Sending Tapes
I would very much appreciate the loan or donation of VHS video tapes
from the UK. Before sending, however, please note the following
items. Most will apply to any person you send tapes to.
- I will gladly pay shipping to receive your tape if it's a
donation. Please let me know if you would like the tape back
when I'm finished with it and I'll be happy to return it.
- It is possible for tapes to become damaged or corrupt during
transport. This includes possibly being wiped due to x-ray or
scanned at customs. Be sure to mark packages "Magnetic Media -
Do not x-ray. Keep away from magnets. Hand inspect only". I
cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged tapes.
- It is also possible for tapes to be destroyed by a tape player
due to stretching or getting snagged. Tapes can be snapped or
they could be in bad condition and be unreadable. While I keep
my equipment well maintained, I cannot guarantee that your video
will not be rendered unusable.
- Only tapes recorded on UK PAL VCRs after 1974 and before
Teletext ceased broadcasting on its respective channels however
the source can be any over-the-air or satellite broadcast. If
unsure, please check with me. Videos of your wedding or bar
mitzvah are not of use, but if you send those I will extract the
funny bits and post them on YouTube ;)
- Extracting Teletext data doesn't require the extraction of the
video. If, however, you would like me to extract any TV programs
that are on the tape, I would be happy to do so as a courtesy.
Files will be provided online, or sent via CD/DVD/USB stick
depending on the size of the content.
- Please don't send tapes that are physically broken, improperly
stored (exposed to extreme heat, cold, dust, etc) or tapes that
are visibly moldy. Also, if you know that the signal was not
strong then it'd be impossible to extract data. Please use your
best judgement and contact me if you're unsure.
Despite all this! If you'd like to lend or donate your old tapes
for me to extract then please contact me so I can arrange to pay
for the shipping.